Financial astrology training Horoscope Prediction by Vaidik_KP Nadi_Western Astrology
Life events Prediction

Horoscope Prediction by Vaidik_KP Nadi_SBC


Horoscope Prediction

Mr Dhaval Kumar Patel is a well-known astrologer, numerologist. He comes from a family of renowned astrologers. Initially, he opted to become a mechanical engineer, but later, he realized his inborn talent for astrology when many of his casual predictions for relatives and friends became true. He started his astrology career in 2007. He has studied and researched in detail Vedic Astrology, KP Nadi Astrology, Western Astrology, etc. He is a regular prediction of stock market and Human life events based on planetary movement on you tube channel ( ) . He has expertise for prediction of life all events (Childbirth, Child education ( Grade of students A/B/C in primary, secondary , Higher education), Extra ordinary skills of students, Career ( Job and Business ) , Ups and Down in Career as well as financial , Marriage life ups and downs, Nature of life partner , Love life problems, Golden time period in Financial growth, Health ( Critical diseases and Normal hospitalisation ) , Abroad period , Stock market suitability etc.. with help of planetary movement and give best practical remedies and gemstone as per problems.




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